Frequently Asked Questions

Trash Collection 

Solid Waste Authority- 1-866-792-4636

Trash is picked up on Monday and Thursday. Recycle is picked up on Thursday. Bulk trash is picked up every Thursday. 

Water and Sewer 

Palm Beach County Water Utility is the Department that services the property. They can be reached at (561) 278-5135.

Internet, Telephone & Cable

Owners may contact any provider of their choosing. If owner needs to setup the basic cable at the home, they can contact Direct TV at 877-697-9588 for the bulk call center as the HOA has a bulk cable contract.

Association Fees

The Association fees includeMaintenance of Landscaping: Residential & Common Areas, Operation of the Clubhouse, Painting the house, Cleaning the roofs, Residential Basic Cable TV & Monitoring of Security Alarm Services, and Maintenance of all amenities.